If you use the Contao CMS, you do not have to integrate the html code manually. You can easily download our plugin and activate the tracking in just a few steps. The plugin also provides a dashboard in your Contao admin with a overview of all important statistics.
Installation in a few steps
For the setup you need a running Contao installation and your project id, as well as the API key from your settings page.
Install extension
- In the Contao admin on the left in the system menu choose Extension management
- On the top right click on Install extention
- Type 4stats in the search field and click Continue
- Choose the latest version and click Continue
- Confirm the action summary by clicking oncontinue
- Update database by clicking on update
- In the Contao admin on the left in the layout menu choose Site structure
- Click Edit to the right of the root page
- Under 4stats type in your project id and the API key.
- Click Save to save the settings.
Github repository
Stetic extension at Contao
Current version: 1.0.0
1.0.0 First release