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If you own a blog and use Wordpress you do not have to integrate the html code manually, you can easily download our plugin and activate the tracking in just a few steps. The plugin also provides a statistics display on the Wordpress Dashboard and a separate page with the most important data.

Installation in a few steps

1Log in to Stetic

Loggen Sie sich in Stetic ein und gehen Sie in die Einstellungen Ihres Projektes unter "Aktuelles Projekt > Einstellungen".
Die Daten, die Sie hier sehen, benötigen Sie für die Installation bzw. Integration.

2Install Wordpress Plugin

For the setup you need a running Wordpress installation, the site token and the API key of your project.

  1. Log in to your Wordpress admin: http://www.ihre-domain.de/wp-admin/
  2. In the Wordpress admin on the left choose Plugins and then Install
  3. Type stetic in the search field and click Search plugins
  4. Now just install the plugin and then activate it.
  5. In Settings > Stetic type in your Stetic token and the API key .

If you want to install the plugin manually, you can download the zip file here: Download Download Stetic Wordpress-Plugin


Stetic in the Wordpress.org plugin directory

Current version: 1.0.10